香港 | 87.9% |
美國 | 7.0% |
德國 | 2.3% |
臺灣 | 0.8% |
尼日利亞 | 0.6% |
加拿大 | 0.5% |
巴西 | 0.3% |
澳大利亞 | 0.2% |
中國 | 0.2% |
馬來西亞 | 0.2% |
總計 | 100% |
Christmas Greetings From SF Bay Area
轉貼同學聚會通知 - Re-confirmed
Jackie Pang King Ming will be in town. Wahyanites are invited to join a
Date: | 29 December 2010 (Wednesday) |
Time: | |
Venue: |
The piece of news copied below recalls me the above Chinese poem. One old boy taught me over email how to do virtual tour of a place via Google Map. Uncle Wah may be happier if he knows the technique.
Just click into the link below and type in an address (e.g. 開平赤坎). Select the "Satellite" tab and drag into the place you want to visit. If you tick "Photos" under the "More" tab, you could even see a number of photos around the area.
司徒華思鄉 託黨友拍照
(明報)2010年12月16日 星期四 05:05
Just click into the link below and type in an address (e.g. 開平赤坎). Select the "Satellite" tab and drag into the place you want to visit. If you tick "Photos" under the "More" tab, you could even see a number of photos around the area.
司徒華思鄉 託黨友拍照
(明報)2010年12月16日 星期四 05:05
轉載:Update on Homecoming Concert 2011
The Homecoming Concert to be held on 9 January 2011 has received widespread support from our alumni and the current students since the launch of our promotion campaign in October 2010. A lot of retired teachers, alumni, current students and even students from Heep Yun School, our friendly school, have committed to show their unusual performance talents at the concert. Father Deignan and some other popular retired teachers will also be one of our performers at the Homecoming Concert!
You surely cannot miss this chance to enjoy such a memorable show with such honourable performers! Come and join us!
If you have not got tickets yet, don't hesitate and fill in the attached ticket booking form. If you have any other enquiries, please contact Connie Chu by email at or by phone at 2193 5303.
Kind regards,
Tom Ho
Chairman, Organizing Committee
WYK Homecoming Concert 2011
You surely cannot miss this chance to enjoy such a memorable show with such honourable performers! Come and join us!
If you have not got tickets yet, don't hesitate and fill in the attached ticket booking form. If you have any other enquiries, please contact Connie Chu by email at or by phone at 2193 5303.
Kind regards,
Tom Ho
Chairman, Organizing Committee
WYK Homecoming Concert 2011
Small Reunion Walk
Date: | Dec 11 (Sat) |
Gathering: | Fanling KCR at 9:15am |
Route: | 流水響 -> 桔仔山坳 -> 鶴藪 -> 沙螺洞 -> 鳳園 |
Up to now, 6 old boys plus some hiking friends have indicated to come.
轉載:九龍華仁家長會 - 特別通告
就11月30 日於明報及香港都市日報刊登『反對九龍華仁校方領導層「縮班」政策』啟事,九龍華仁書院家長會有以下聲明:
- 九龍華仁書院家長會並沒有參與草擬此啟事,而發表人在未知會及未得到家長會同意下刊登此啟事。
- 啟事提及之「縮班」政策應是校方建議的「優化小班教學計劃」。校方在2010年11月5日「優化小班教學計劃」家長咨詢會中,已知會家長此計劃並沒有迫切性,現階段仍在收集意見。
- 九龍華仁書院家長會的會員就是九龍華仁書院的家長:校方曾致函邀請與計劃有關的中一至中四級家長出席2010年11月5日「優化小班教學計劃」家長咨詢會。當日超過二百位家長出席,校方先向家長詳細解釋計劃內容,然後出席家長踴躍提問及發表意見,校方亦即時聽取及回應,並同時將意見記錄下來。本會會員(家長)的意見是有經咨詢及收集,是故九龍華仁書院家長會不存在亦不可能如中啟事提及會「以個人判斷作出投票」及「因為受到壓力而盲目配合」。
- 耶穌會的教育理念著重承擔及責任感。啟事發表人既「愛護母校」又「支持耶穌會理念」,理應對耶穌會的教育理念有深切了解及感化,為何隱姓埋名只署名「一群愛護母校及支持耶穌會理念的九龍華仁舊生、家長及老師」而不敢正名承擔責任?這是耶穌會理念嗎?事情實令人費解,也許更值得深思和反省﹗
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