
轉貼 Marathon 2009 important info update and upcoming Folk Music Gala (原文電郵於 3.2.09)


Following our update yesterday, we are pleased to report to you that a cohort of WYK 68/69 alumni had pledged approx. HK$400,000 to support the Marathon, totaling the sum to around $1.2 million now. We are talking to alumni who are yet to response still. With 5 more days to go, please get your network moving. Let's join hand to get closer to our $2 million goal. ……

We are also happy to inform you that we will organise a Folk Music Gala with the 3 Schools on Sunday, 30th August 2009 at the HKJC Auditorium, The HK Polytechnic University (http://www.auditorium.polyu.edu.hk/eng/jca_site/index_2.htm). The object is to promote music talent and bonding in our Wah Yan community. We have learnt from our music teachers this event will let our students, parents, teachers and alumni work and play together. It will also help us gather talents for our Anniversaries Concert in July 2010.

We will target approx. 30 entries in the format of a contest. Hence if you are interested in taking part, please let us know. Rules and details will be announced soon.


Best wishes,

