轉載 Sam's Message (聲之語)
Message from School Manager representing alumni at the School Management Committee of WYK
轉載 Fr. Deignan's Nomination - HK Loving Hearts 2011

Dear friends and students (current and former) of Fr. Deignan,
Our beloved Fr. Deignan has been chosen as one of the 26 semi-finalists for the ATV sponsored Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2011 (2011 感動香港年度人物評選) from which 10 finalists will be chosen as the award winners. The 10 winners will be adjudicated according to their contributions to Hong Kong society in their chosen professions or careers. They are assessed according to:
a) 60% of the marks will be given by a panel of judges chosen from a wide spectrum of Hong Kong Society; and
b) The remaining 40% of the marks will be from online votings by viewers. Anyone can log on to the ATV website: http://www.hkatv.com/ which contains the methods of voting. The public voting will be from 12 September 2011 to 13 November 2011, both days inclusive. Please see the enclosed publicity materials for more information.
There will be a 30-minutes documentary on the life and contributions of Fr. Deignan on ATV channel 2 (Chinese) to be aired on Monday, 19 September 2011 at 8:30p.m. All students and alumni of Wah Yan and friends of Fr. Deignan are requested to view this documentary, spread this message across and mobilize your friends and families (both Hong Kong and overseas) to vote for Deignan online so as to support Fr. Deignan and reaffirm his life-long contributions to education in Hong Kong. There will be an award ceremony in December for the final 10 awardees.
Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your support of Fr. Deignan.
With best wishes,
Dominic Lee
Past Chairman, WYKPSA
Homecoming cum 35th Anniversary Dinner
Dear fellow mates of WYK Class of 76:
Do you recall what day Nov 12, 2006 was? It was the day when we all went back to the campus of our alma mater, took photographs sitting at the same desk which we had sat while in Form 1, met our beloved teachers and caught up with one another on things 30 years after our graduation. Do you still remember the sumptuous buffet dinner at the YMCA International House and old prints of photographs shown during the course of dinner?
Time flies. Before one realizes it, it has already been 5 years since we last met and 35 years since our Form 5 graduation. We celebrated our 20th, 25th and 30th Anniversaries. A similar group of people has got together and is planning a Homecoming cum 35th Anniversary Dinner to celebrate this commemorative occasion.
Having met for a couple of times, we have chosen October 14 (Friday) to be the date of the event. A sumptuous dinner at HK$380 per head is being planned from about 7:30 p.m. at Diamond Room, 5/F of The City View at 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. Invitations will be extended to all teachers who had taught us during our time in Wah Yan and we hope some of them could make it for the evening. It will be an occasion for us to meet long-lost friends and catch up on things.
Please mark your diary immediately for October 14 (Friday). It will be an occasion you cannot afford to miss out on. To ensure that you are in, please fill in and return the Reply Slip to your Class Representatives before September 14 to facilitate necessary arrangements. For administrative ease, we shall go by your class in Form 1. Those in Form 1A will contact Henry Chan Cho Kit; those in Form 1B Daniel Chan Kai Keung; those in Form 1C Francis Ip Tak Kong or the undersigned and those in Form 1D Gordon Lam Chick Leung. Contact details of the contact persons appear per the Annexure hereto. [Their personal details are suppressed on the web. For those interested but having received no email on this event, please write direct to wyk_76@yahoo.com.] They will be contacting individuals in their respective classes soon to arrange for payment and other arrangements.
We are sure our Wah Yan days mean differently to different people. But, whatever our individual experience has been, we are all proud to tell the world that WYK is our beloved alma mater. Come to revisit the place where you used to play soccer, tennis, ping-pong or basketball; come to cherish and share with your old friends and families many of your youthful memories; come to say hi to teachers to whom we have owed so much. Just come and we are sure you will not be alone.
Looking forward to seeing you soon and on behalf of the organizing group,
Yours sincerely,
Alan Leong Kah Kit (1C)
Stanley SO Yiu Hon will be in Hong Kong from 29 May to 7 June. A dinner gathering with him is planned.
Up to now, 7 have indicated to join and 2 will come if no other urgent matters.
Date: | 3 June 2011 (Friday) |
Time: | 7:30 pm |
Venue: | Fung Shing Restaurant, 113, Argyle Street, Mongkok (Booking is under the name of 'H Chan') |
轉載:九龍華仁家長會 - 澄清啟示
1. 20113月31星島日報「200中學減班九華突撤回」文中報導「該 校 家 長 會 執 委 周 永 倫 則 認 為 , 校 方 撤 回 減 班 申 請 可 避 免 不 必 要 的 爭 拗 。」並不正確。執委周永倫接受該報導的記者訪問時,他的回應只是:「對這件事我無回應。」
2. 2011年4月2日明報港聞版訪問家長會主席羅潔薇有關學校退出減班計劃。報導提到「九龍華仁家長會羅潔薇表示,校方退出減班,未有通知家長會,該會會盡快與校方商討。」亦是失實。該報記者訪問家長會主席羅潔薇的提問是「校方退出減班計劃後,有沒有與家長會商討第二建議(proposal 2)。」主席的回應是「退出減班計劃後,校方沒有與家長會商討第二建議。」而不是「校方退出減班,未有通知家長會。」家長會主席亦是校董會成員,完全知悉整個事件發展經過,故「校方退出減班,未有通知家長會」的報導並不正確。
轉載: WYK Press Release 30/3/2011
Wah Yan College, Kowloon was grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 'Voluntary Optimization of Class Structure Scheme' (the Scheme), which was a generous proposal crafted by the Education Bureau. However, we have decided to withdraw from the Scheme. We believe that the Scheme is a meaningful proposal and many schools will benefit from it.
School Sponsoring Body School Management Committee
Wah Yan College, Kowloon
(星島)2011年3月30日 星期三 21:51
撤回自願減班申請的九龍華仁書院 ,今年9月新學年將維持收5班中一。九龍華仁校董會原希望由校友贊助一億元推行中班教學,但遭到部份校友強烈反對。 教育局公布,新學年原有202間中學會自願減收一班中一,現有2間撤回申請,9月共有200間中學自願減班。
撤回自願減班申請的九龍華仁書院 ,今年9月新學年將維持收5班中一。九龍華仁校董會原希望由校友贊助一億元推行中班教學,但遭到部份校友強烈反對。 教育局公布,新學年原有202間中學會自願減收一班中一,現有2間撤回申請,9月共有200間中學自願減班。
(商台)2011年3月30日 星期三 21:39
教育局公布,九月新學年有二百間中學,會自願減收一班中一,較最初申請參加減班計劃少兩間,包括九龍華仁書院 及保良局唐乃勤中學。消息指九龍華仁書院主動撤回申請,至於唐乃勤中學,因為不符合減班條件,不獲批准參加計劃。 九龍華仁校董會上月宣布申請減班,但部份校友強烈反對。
教育局公布,九月新學年有二百間中學,會自願減收一班中一,較最初申請參加減班計劃少兩間,包括九龍華仁書院 及保良局唐乃勤中學。消息指九龍華仁書院主動撤回申請,至於唐乃勤中學,因為不符合減班條件,不獲批准參加計劃。 九龍華仁校董會上月宣布申請減班,但部份校友強烈反對。
(明報)2011年3月30日 星期三 18:55
教育局公布,自願減班中學減至200間,有2間學校退出,包括九龍華仁書院 。 九龍華仁書院校友曾強烈反對學校減班,不斷向校方施壓。
教育局公布,自願減班中學減至200間,有2間學校退出,包括九龍華仁書院 。 九龍華仁書院校友曾強烈反對學校減班,不斷向校方施壓。
Mentorship Programme Is Calling For Mentors
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
轉載:優化小班教學安排之研討會 - 延期
Those who are interested in the discussion on SCT, please take note of the seminar of Jan 22 Feb 19, 2011 and may click here for more information.
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