Dear friends and students (current and former) of Fr. Deignan,
Our beloved Fr. Deignan has been chosen as one of the 26 semi-finalists for the ATV sponsored Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2011 (2011 感動香港年度人物評選) from which 10 finalists will be chosen as the award winners. The 10 winners will be adjudicated according to their contributions to Hong Kong society in their chosen professions or careers. They are assessed according to:
a) 60% of the marks will be given by a panel of judges chosen from a wide spectrum of Hong Kong Society; and
b) The remaining 40% of the marks will be from online votings by viewers. Anyone can log on to the ATV website: http://www.hkatv.com/ which contains the methods of voting. The public voting will be from 12 September 2011 to 13 November 2011, both days inclusive. Please see the enclosed publicity materials for more information.
There will be a 30-minutes documentary on the life and contributions of Fr. Deignan on ATV channel 2 (Chinese) to be aired on Monday, 19 September 2011 at 8:30p.m. All students and alumni of Wah Yan and friends of Fr. Deignan are requested to view this documentary, spread this message across and mobilize your friends and families (both Hong Kong and overseas) to vote for Deignan online so as to support Fr. Deignan and reaffirm his life-long contributions to education in Hong Kong. There will be an award ceremony in December for the final 10 awardees.
Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your support of Fr. Deignan.
With best wishes,
Dominic Lee
Past Chairman, WYKPSA